Monday, March 14, 2011

Bad Habits

Overall, we are very quick to squelch any bad habits that our cats might form. We have a very strict "no cats on the kitchen table" policy in our house, and initially we started out with a "no human food fed to cats" policy. However, after a few early-on, rogue table and counter-top explorations leading to the discovery of butter, cheese and other food scraps in the sink, the cats quickly discovered that human food is, well, food. This discovery is eventually what led to Miel's dinnertime naps on David's lap, since she's the main food scavenger. Every once in a while, though, Wana pops in on the dinnertime fun and gets very interested in the simplest of foods - like rice.

I'd like to add that we also have a strict "absolutely no cats anywhere near the kitchen table when guests are over for dinner" policy, in case any of our readers are potential dinner guests! We have a lot of policies for our cats.


  1. the cats have their own clause attached to our policies where they will ignore them whenever they want.

  2. They also have their own CLAWS.
    He he he.

  3. This blog is the best thing to ever happen to me.
