Friday, March 18, 2011

The Beginning

Look at those tiny kittens! Those whiskers! Those fuzzy paws!

What started as an ordinary trip out to IKEA back in July to pick up some furnishings for our (still) work-in-progress apartment turned into a kitten adoption story. After our successful IKEA trip, we headed across the parking lot to find some frozen yogurt. When I saw PetSmart, I suggested taking a detour to pick up a few kitty items, since we were anticipating adopting two kitties that summer. Harmless, right?

An hour later, we came out armed with cat supplies...and adoption contracts for Miel and Wana. Oops. Neither of us remembered that local cat adoption agencies come out to PetSmart on the weekends to attract weekend shoppers and would-be adopters. I knew I was done for when we walked in the door, and a foster mom from CAT Adoption Team was planted right in the entrance with her foster litter. Once David saw the look on my face, he knew what was coming. (In fact, the whole situation was very similar to this.)

Long story short, it ended up working out perfectly. We got to talk to the foster mom about their background, health, habits and even got to meet their momma cat and one of their siblings. (Who were both gray tabbies, interestingly enough. In all, they had four other brothers! Miel was the odd woman out.) They weren't ready for adoption yet, which gave us time to get everything set up for them in their new home. We snapped the above photo while getting to know them and signing the papers.

By the end of the month, Miel and Wana were home...

...and getting into everything. Literally.

(For any concerned readers, we never did get that frozen yogurt after IKEA. But when you live close to places like this, you get over it quickly.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bad Habits

Overall, we are very quick to squelch any bad habits that our cats might form. We have a very strict "no cats on the kitchen table" policy in our house, and initially we started out with a "no human food fed to cats" policy. However, after a few early-on, rogue table and counter-top explorations leading to the discovery of butter, cheese and other food scraps in the sink, the cats quickly discovered that human food is, well, food. This discovery is eventually what led to Miel's dinnertime naps on David's lap, since she's the main food scavenger. Every once in a while, though, Wana pops in on the dinnertime fun and gets very interested in the simplest of foods - like rice.

I'd like to add that we also have a strict "absolutely no cats anywhere near the kitchen table when guests are over for dinner" policy, in case any of our readers are potential dinner guests! We have a lot of policies for our cats.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cat Fight: Battle Cries

Wana and Miel, being siblings will play and fight.  It is always great when we hear the distinct cry from Wana.  Miel put on a rare show during this video, however.

Miel Fails at fighting.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miel Dinner Routine

So, while we have covered the morning routine of Miel, allow me to show you the dinner routine.  Miel will sit on my lap and purr and purr and purr.  However, when megan pops down to check on her, she'll chirp and get very excited.  That is when the claws come out and into my legs...